Cars Subaru

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Current SUBARU models

Current SUBARU for sale in showrooms right now:

SUBARU History

Subaru Australia is the exclusive importer and distributor of the multi-award winning All-Wheel Drive vehicles that have carved a unique place in the Australian market.
Manufactured in Japan by Fuji Heavy Industries, Subaru vehicles have been imported by Subaru Australia since 1973.
Subaru's range includes the Forester, Impreza, Liberty and Outback.
Collectively, they have been recognised for the integrity of their engineering, design, functionality, safety and quality by a multitude of Australian media and motoring organisation awards over several years.
Forester is the most awarded All-Terrain Wagon in Australian motoring, while Liberty and Impreza have both won Wheels Car of the Year titles.
Since 1998 Subaru Australia vehicles have been exclusively All-Wheel Drive.
Australian's have embraced Subaru's AWD system and as a result, Australia is now the third biggest market worldwide for Subaru vehicles, after Japan and the United States.
Subaru's philosophy is based on high quality engineering, active and passive safety, reliability, a fun driving experience and value.
Subaru's success is highlighted by its many Australian and World Rally Championship titles, with the legendary Impreza WRX.
Subaru Rally Team Australia has won more championships than any team in the history of the domestic competition.

Best Price on SUBARUs

We are more than happy to help you achieve the lowest possible price when you purchase a SUBARU. We buy SUBARUs regularly in all capital cities of Australia. In some cases (whether due to pricing or stock availability) we source cars from different states. Basically... whatever it takes to get to the best price for our clients!
So please lodge a request with us and let us help!

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