Cars Jeep

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Current JEEP models

Current JEEP for sale in showrooms right now:

JEEP History

1953: Kaiser take over Willys-Overland.
1970: American Motor Co. (AMC) take over Kaiser Jeep.
1982-1986: Renault owned AMC Jeep
1987: Chrysler take over AMC (and Jeep).
1998: Mercedes Benz and Chrysler merge to form Daimler Chrysler.

JEEP Pricing

It can be tricky and it can be a pain to try and get decent pricing from a JEEP dealer. If you would rather leave the negotiating to the professionals and bypass the JEEP dealership, you need to talk to us here at We are the car buying specialists and we have bought more JEEP cars than we care to remember. We came online in 2003 and we have been on a roll ever since! So make sure you contact us when you are in the market for your next JEEP!!

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