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Current NISSAN models

Current NISSAN for sale in showrooms right now:

NISSAN History

Nissan is Australia's most popular full-line Japanese importer with a history dating back to 1934 when Datsun Phaetons were sold locally.
It was the famous Australian automotive industry figure Sir Lawrence Hartnett who initially secured distribution rights for Datsun vehicles in this country after being so enthused by the Datsun 1200 model which was shown at the 1960 Melbourne Motor Show.

Nissan itself subsequently reached agreement with the Hartnett Organisation and commenced local assembly of Bluebird models in 1966 at the Pressed Metal Corporation plant in Sydney.

NISSAN: Lowest Pricing

Car shopping can be exhausting and disappointing for buyers. The average time spent in a dealership when buying a car is 4.3 hours (based on 2011 data). Add up the time taken if you choose to visit several NISSAN dealerships. On top of this, add the travel time back and forth to the dealership. There may be multiple trips to several NISSAN (and other) dealerships. It all adds up to one massive headache! Why? Because retail buyers get to deal with sales people. At, we deal with the fleet departments - they don't muck around playing games.

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